Home NEWS CUTTINGS Perfect poinsettias for Christmas

Perfect poinsettias for Christmas


Poinsettias are a Christmas tradition grown indoors for their brightly coloured bracts. They are widely available at garden centres and although they have a reputation as being hard to maintain, they should thrive well past Christmas with sensible care. Ross Garden Store in Ross-on-Wye promote Christmas in the traditional way and are keen to help customers care for their poinsettas.

“Position the plant in good light away from direct sunlight and draughts. 

“Poinsettias originate from warmer climates than Britain’s, so avoid temperatures below 55°F (13°C). 

“Overwatering will quickly damage the plant. Wait until the surface of the compost begins to dry out, then water thoroughly.

It is possible to keep these plants year round but they will only flower again if subjected to specific daylight hours and temperatures therefore treat them as a seasonal plant only – enjoy them while they last!”

Ross Garden Store has a wide variety of house plants – including top quality poinsettias, warming mulled wine, hot soup and beverages in the café are on the menu in their build up to Christmas. 

Ross Garden Store, The Engine Shed, Station Approach, Ross–on-Wye HR9 7BW Tel: 01989 568999

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