Friday, 7 March, 2025
Home Features Grow It – Eat It

Grow It – Eat It

From plot to plate – growing tips, recipes and more to help you grow your own food

The drama queen of the garden!

Not only prized for their edible yields, globe artichokes are also attractive, ornamental plants, that can add stature and drama to a vegetable plot or to another part of a garden. Growing a globe artichoke plant (Cynara scolymus) may be a slow process but it is one of the most rewarding things you can tend for in your garden. It’s …

Celebrating all things apple

Apple days are here again with extravagant, and fun filled apple themed events taking place throughout the Cotswolds and the south-west – at National Trust properties and community orchards and more. Each year, to celebrate apples and orchards, Apple Days are held all over the country to demonstrate the richness and diversity of apple varieties, orchards, soil ecology and culture. …

Why is this the forgotten fruit?

Emma Flood raves about the underrated, but reliable damson which doesn’t seem actively sought after but still has a passionate following from those who love the fruit. Why are damsons the forgotten fruit?  What fruit tree, asked a friend recently, would I recommend that wasn’t too big, looked good, didn’t demand a lot of work but produced a large, reliable …

Growing perfect garlic

Late autumn planting is the secret to get the best of a garlic crop which will have a head start when the weather warms up in spring. Autumn-to-spring is the best season for growing garlic.  Garlic cloves planted in the autumn quickly develop roots, so the plants are established when cold weather stops their growth. Then they start growing again …

Why you should grow walnuts

The walnut tree is both a beautiful and practical tree for gardens and if you are patient will provide a rich harvest of delicious nuts The traditional English walnut tree, which is native to central Asia, is a beautiful and useful tree for its aesthetics and food-growing abilities alike.  It is a great tree to grow if you have the …

‘Why I love autumn raspberries’

Dorset gardener David Leese has a passion for growing autumn raspberries, easier to grow, welcoming cooler weather and harvesting from late summer through to the first frosts of winter. I love growing, harvesting and eating autumn raspberries. They are a much better option I believe to their summer cousins and so rewarding to grow. I favour autumn-fruiting raspberries over summer …

‘Christmas Pippin’ – a Somerset apple discovery

Our October issue feature on local apple varieties has sparked off a huge response from readers who have their own stories of how apple varieties were discovered. Retired horticulturist Geoffrey Rowson was driving down the M5 when he spotted some spectacular looking apples hanging from a small tree on the public side of the motorway fence. It was an easy …

The Hot List

Elizabeth McCorquodale looks at some different and appealing flavours to come in from the garden to spice up your food. When we think of growing spicy plants in this country the first thing that comes to mind are windowsill chillies or the fleeting heat of summer radishes. However there are many more species on offer than you might think, and …

The steps towards perfect tomatoes

Too many gardeners are not brutal enough and waste their final crop by letting greenery take over, and forgetting to care for the crop in the vital few weeks before harvest. Growing tomatoes can be a tricky business.  We have no idea if we’ll have a sweltering summer like last year or if rain will come and encourage blight.  Or …

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