Home NEWS CUTTINGS Get your copy of the April issue of Country Gardener delivered to your home

Get your copy of the April issue of Country Gardener delivered to your home


We are aware that readers have not been able to pick up a copy of the April issue of Country Gardener magazine, as many outlets are closed because of the Coronavirus outbreak.

But you can have a copy delivered to you.

Let us know which county edition of the April issue you would like to receive.

There are three ways to get in touch:

  1. Write to Country Gardener , Mount House, Halse, Taunton Somerset TA4 3AD and enclose a £2 cheque and your address to send the magazine to
  2.  Email alan@countrygardener.co.uk with your address
  3. Call 01823 431767 and leave your details ( The phone will not be manned all the time)
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